Jim H., Cleveland, OH
Winnings $2,500,000.00
$1,250,000.00 for Jim
for Children’s Charity
Science now shows the physical and mental health benefits of charitable giving and socially conscious spending. “To economists, the surprising thing is that we actually see people getting rewards as they give ” said Dr William Harbaugh, professor of economics and author .
people experience even more brain activation when they give voluntarily.
This is caused by the pleasure systems in our brain that are activated when supporting others. As it turns out, knowing that we acted to improve the life of another is enough to boost our own self esteem and our sense of purpose.
Psychologists go as far to say that pro-social spending distracts the giver from their own problems and shifts focus to wider hope and optimism.THE AMERICAN GIVING SOCIETY NOW KNOWS THAT GIVING AND RECEIVING CAN ONLY ENCHANCE THE RESEARCH DETERMINED ABOVE!
Nancy and Ken R., Sacramento,CA
Winnings $1,750,000.00
$875,000.00 for Nancy and Ken
for Children’s Charity